Raspberry Pi - własna instancja

Posty: 97
Rejestracja: ndz gru 30, 2018 10:11 pm

Przestała działać, nie startuje kontener nginx-gen::

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker ps -a
0a27cffdadb4 nginx "/docker-entrypoint.…" About an hour ago Up 27 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp nginx-web
fc7edc3658f8 lesny8/rpi-docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion "/bin/bash /app/entr…" About an hour ago Up 27 seconds nginx-letsencrypt
2b12ce64bd7f lesny8/rpi-docker-gen "/usr/local/bin/dock…" About an hour ago Exited (2) 23 seconds ago nginx-gen
6e6a6db38f4d suplascripts_suplascripts "docker-php-entrypoi…" 2 hours ago Up 10 seconds 80/tcp suplascripts
7177d822eea7 supla/supla-server:arm32v7 "/usr/bin/server-ent…" 3 hours ago Up 18 seconds>2015-2016/tcp supla-server
e09ad40cf685 supla/supla-cloud:arm32v7 "docker-php-entrypoi…" 3 hours ago Up 20 seconds 80/tcp supla-cloud
d4b8338452bf hypriot/rpi-mysql:5.5 "/entrypoint.sh mysq…" 4 months ago Up 22 seconds 3306/tcp supla-db
8a5820ea4df8 hypriot/rpi-mysql:5.5 "/entrypoint.sh mysq…" 22 months ago Up 13 seconds 3306/tcp suplascripts-db

w logu jedynie co widać to wpisy:

pi@raspberrypi:~/docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion $ docker logs nginx-gen
2021/07/18 11:55:40 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:00:32 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:07:01 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:34 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:36 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:39 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:42 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:45 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:49 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
2021/07/18 12:20:55 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand

obrazy :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker images
suplascripts_suplascripts latest a80509fc0aab 2 hours ago 454MB
supla/supla-server arm32v7 fb06c6e5ebfc 5 days ago 300MB
supla/supla-cloud arm32v7 28b5aa06ae33 5 days ago 499MB
httpd alpine 65e21d294ea2 9 days ago 41.2MB
nginx latest a9c89e194e6f 11 days ago 103MB
lesny8/rpi-docker-gen latest d5e305bc9a26 20 months ago 15.6MB
lesny8/rpi-docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion latest a6da207b5c5d 20 months ago 89.3MB
php 7.1.27-apache-stretch 42b69c7f2cf1 2 years ago 272MB
hypriot/rpi-mysql 5.5 4f3cbdbc3bdb 3 years ago 209MB

Docker version 19.03.15, build 99e3ed8919
docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3133
Rejestracja: pt gru 27, 2019 6:22 pm
Lokalizacja: Żerniki Wrocławskie

plnuker pisze: ndz lip 18, 2021 1:22 pm 2021/07/18 11:55:40 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
No a co masz w tej linii?
Widzimy się na Supla Offline Party Season 2 :D

Posty: 97
Rejestracja: ndz gru 30, 2018 10:11 pm

Goral64 pisze: ndz lip 18, 2021 8:02 pm
plnuker pisze: ndz lip 18, 2021 1:22 pm 2021/07/18 11:55:40 Unable to parse template: template: nginx.tmpl:182: unexpected "=" in operand
No a co masz w tej linii?
plik /home/pi/docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion/nginx.tmpl

od lini 180:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

	## Can be connected with "{{ $containerNetwork.Name }}" network
				{{ if $address }}
					{{/* If we got the containers from swarm and this container's port is published to host, use host IP:PORT */}}
					{{ if and $container.Node.ID $address.HostPort }}
						{{ $server_found = "true" }}

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3133
Rejestracja: pt gru 27, 2019 6:22 pm
Lokalizacja: Żerniki Wrocławskie

A to dziwne... w moim nginx.tmpl linia 182 jest pusta... a tak wygląda od linii 180 do 185:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

{{ range $container := $containers }}
	{{ $addrLen := len $container.Addresses }}

	{{ range $knownNetwork := $CurrentContainer.Networks }}
		{{ range $containerNetwork := $container.Networks }}
			{{ if (and (ne $containerNetwork.Name "ingress") (or (eq $knownNetwork.Name $containerNetwork.Name) (eq $knownNetwork.Name "host"))) }}
Widzimy się na Supla Offline Party Season 2 :D

Posty: 97
Rejestracja: ndz gru 30, 2018 10:11 pm

Goral64 pisze: ndz lip 18, 2021 9:25 pm A to dziwne... w moim nginx.tmpl linia 182 jest pusta... a tak wygląda od linii 180 do 185:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

{{ range $container := $containers }}
	{{ $addrLen := len $container.Addresses }}

	{{ range $knownNetwork := $CurrentContainer.Networks }}
		{{ range $containerNetwork := $container.Networks }}
			{{ if (and (ne $containerNetwork.Name "ingress") (or (eq $knownNetwork.Name $containerNetwork.Name) (eq $knownNetwork.Name "host"))) }}
to ciekawe bo ogladam kolejno skrypty i tak:
w start.sh linia 4 jest:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# 4. Download the latest version of nginx.tmpl
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy/master/nginx.tmpl > nginx.tmpl
dodatkowo linie 163 - 213

Kod: Zaznacz cały

{{ range $container := $containers }}
	{{ $debug := (eq (coalesce $container.Env.DEBUG $debug_all "false") "true") }}
	{{/* If only 1 port exposed, use that as a default, else 80 */}}
	{{ $defaultPort := (when (eq (len $container.Addresses) 1) (first $container.Addresses) (dict "Port" "80")).Port }}
	{{ $port := (coalesce $container.Env.VIRTUAL_PORT $defaultPort) }}
	{{ $address := where $container.Addresses "Port" $port | first }}
	{{ if $debug }}
	# Exposed ports: {{ $container.Addresses }}
	# Default virtual port: {{ $defaultPort }}
	# VIRTUAL_PORT: {{ $container.Env.VIRTUAL_PORT }}
		{{ if not $address }}
	# /!\ Virtual port not exposed
		{{ end }}
	{{ end }}
	{{ range $knownNetwork := $CurrentContainer.Networks }}
		{{ range $containerNetwork := $container.Networks }}
			{{ if (and (ne $containerNetwork.Name "ingress") (or (eq $knownNetwork.Name $containerNetwork.Name) (eq $knownNetwork.Name "host"))) }}
	## Can be connected with "{{ $containerNetwork.Name }}" network
				{{ if $address }}
					{{/* If we got the containers from swarm and this container's port is published to host, use host IP:PORT */}}
					{{ if and $container.Node.ID $address.HostPort }}
						{{ $server_found = "true" }}
	# {{ $container.Node.Name }}/{{ $container.Name }}
	server {{ $container.Node.Address.IP }}:{{ $address.HostPort }};
					{{/* If there is no swarm node or the port is not published on host, use container's IP:PORT */}}
					{{ else if $containerNetwork }}
						{{ $server_found = "true" }}
	# {{ $container.Name }}
	server {{ $containerNetwork.IP }}:{{ $address.Port }};
					{{ end }}
				{{ else if $containerNetwork }}
	# {{ $container.Name }}
					{{ if $containerNetwork.IP }}
						{{ $server_found = "true" }}
	server {{ $containerNetwork.IP }}:{{ $port }};
					{{ else }}
	# /!\ No IP for this network!
					{{ end }}
				{{ end }}
			{{ else }}
	# Cannot connect to network '{{ $containerNetwork.Name }}' of this container
			{{ end }}
		{{ end }}
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy#1105 */}}
{{ if (eq $server_found "false") }}
	# Fallback entry
	server down;
{{ end }}
git clone https://github.com/lesny8/docker-compos ... panion.git tu jest inny plik ale te same skrypty więc powinno zaciągnąć tego nowego (punkt 4)

kolejna ciekawostka ze skryptu start.sh to krok :

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# 7. Start proxy

# Check if you have multiple network
if [ -z ${SERVICE_NETWORK+X} ]; then
    docker-compose up -d
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-multiple-networks.yml up -d

exit 0
raczej nie ma multiple network bo :

Kod: Zaznacz cały

pi@raspberrypi:~/docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion $ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                   DRIVER              SCOPE
f8a6b9453857        bridge                 bridge              local
689f403b6144        host                   host                local
dad1b489bfb2        none                   null                local
b153bf3c2b8a        supla_default          bridge              local
7e82df93b7f2        suplascripts_default   bridge              local
b2aa78c12ca2        webproxy               bridge              local
a w tym yaml wymaga networku

name: ${NETWORK:-webproxy}
name: ${SERVICE_NETWORK:-webservices}

Update : zakomentowalem w start.sh krok 4 -> sciaganie pliku i wszystko działa :) Teraz pytanie dlaczego jest ok:)
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3133
Rejestracja: pt gru 27, 2019 6:22 pm
Lokalizacja: Żerniki Wrocławskie

Może dlatego, że 4 tygodnie temu nastąpiły w repozytorium istotne zmiany w tym pliku, które nie zostały uwzględnione w pakiecie dostosowanym do SUPL-a?
Widzimy się na Supla Offline Party Season 2 :D

Posty: 97
Rejestracja: ndz gru 30, 2018 10:11 pm

Goral64 pisze: pn lip 19, 2021 8:11 am Może dlatego, że 4 tygodnie temu nastąpiły w repozytorium istotne zmiany w tym pliku, które nie zostały uwzględnione w pakiecie dostosowanym do SUPL-a?
no to po restartach parę osób się zdziwi:)

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