ESP32 + LAN8720

Posts: 678
Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:49 pm


krycha88 wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:27 am
LukaszH wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 6:49 am Poprawka działała aż do którejś wersji, ponieważ dzisiaj zaktualizowałem sterownik do 7.18.11 i niestety dioda konfiguracyjna miga wolno jak by chciał się połączyć, LAN8720 i jego diody migają jak by się komunikowały z internetem, ale ESP32 nie zgłasza się do sieci.
Jest opcja na poprawkę ?
A pokaż jakieś logi, bo ja nic tam dawno nie zmieniałem.
Właśnie też dawno nie usiadłem do Supli i nie zwróciłem uwagi jaka była poprzednia działająca wersja :oops:

Code: Select all

12:27:51.243 -> Warning: network is not ready (20 s)
12:27:51.358 -> LAST STATE ADDED: No connection to network (28)
12:27:51.358 -> Current status: [8] No connection to network
12:27:51.812 -> ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
12:27:51.812 -> 
12:27:51.812 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
12:27:51.812 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
12:27:51.812 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
12:27:51.812 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
12:27:51.812 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1184
12:27:51.812 -> load:0x40078000,len:13220
12:27:51.812 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4
12:27:51.812 -> load:0x40080400,len:3028
12:27:51.855 -> entry 0x400805e4
12:27:52.345 -> Config read
12:27:52.345 -> Key: 0 Value: v*�l����+�\�x.
12:27:52.345 -> Key: 1 Value: �_�����c+�0�ZN
12:27:52.345 -> Key: 2 Value: //"moja sieć"
12:27:52.345 -> Key: 3 Value: //"moje hasło"
12:27:52.345 -> Key: 4 Value: admin
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 5 Value: pass
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 6 Value: 40 channel
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 7 Value:
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 8 Value: //"mój mail"
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 9 Value: 16
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 10 Value: 16
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 11 Value: 5
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 12 Value: 
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 13 Value: 
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 14 Value: 1
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 15 Value: 0
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 16 Value: 0
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 17 Value: 10
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 18 Value: 0
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 19 Value: 0,,0,,1,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 20 Value: 
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 21 Value: 1
12:27:52.378 -> Key: 22 Value: 
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 23 Value: 
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 24 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,1,0,1,0,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 25 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,1,1,1,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 26 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,2,1,2,2,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 27 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,3,1,3,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 28 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,4,1,4,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 29 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,5,1,5,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.411 -> Key: 30 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,6,1,6,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 31 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,7,1,7,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 32 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,8,1,8,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 33 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,9,1,9,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 34 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,10,1,10,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 35 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,11,1,11,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 36 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,12,1,12,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.445 -> Key: 37 Value: 1,9,1,1,0,2,0,,13,1,13,2,,,,,1,,,,,,
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 38 Value: 1,10,1,1,0,2,0,,14,1,14,2,,,,,1,,,,,
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 39 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,15,1,15,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 40 Value: 5,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 41 Value: ,,1,1,0,2,0,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 42 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 43 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 44 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 45 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 46 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 47 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 48 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 49 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 50 Value: 
12:27:52.478 -> Key: 51 Value: 
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 52 Value: 
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 53 Value: 
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 54 Value: 
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 55 Value: 
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 56 Value: 0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 57 Value: 0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 58 Value: 3,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 59 Value: 4,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 60 Value: 1,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.510 -> Key: 61 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 62 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 63 Value: 2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 64 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 65 Value: 5
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 66 Value: 5
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 67 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 68 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 69 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 70 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 71 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 72 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 73 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 74 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 75 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 76 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 77 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 78 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 79 Value: 
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 80 Value: 1
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 81 Value: 0
12:27:52.542 -> Key: 82 Value: 20
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 83 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 84 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 85 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 86 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 87 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 88 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 89 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 90 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 91 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 92 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 93 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 94 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 95 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 96 Value: 0.25
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 97 Value: 0.4
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 98 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 99 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 100 Value: 
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 101 Value: 1
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 102 Value: 1
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 103 Value: ,1,1,0,0,0,,,,0,0,0,
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 101 Value: 1
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 102 Value: 1
12:27:52.575 -> Key: 103 Value: ,1,1,0,0,0,,,,0,0,0,
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 104 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 105 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 106 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 107 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 108 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 109 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 110 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 111 Value: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 112 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 113 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 114 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 115 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 116 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 117 Value: 
12:27:52.609 -> Key: 118 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> Key: 119 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> Key: 120 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> Key: 121 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> Key: 122 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> Key: 123 Value: 
12:27:52.655 -> MCP23017 is connected address: 20
12:27:52.655 -> MCP23017 is connected address: 21
12:27:52.655 -> Button[0]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.655 -> Button[0]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.655 -> Button[0]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.655 -> Button[0]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.720 -> Button[1]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.720 -> Button[1]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.720 -> Button[1]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.720 -> Button[1]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.797 -> Button[2]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.797 -> Button[2]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.797 -> Button[2]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.797 -> Button[2]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.836 -> Button[3]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.836 -> Button[3]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.869 -> Button[3]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.869 -> Button[3]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.904 -> Button[4]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:52.904 -> Button[4]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.937 -> Button[4]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:52.937 -> Button[4]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.005 -> Button[5]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.005 -> Button[5]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.005 -> Button[5]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.005 -> Button[5]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.072 -> Button[6]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.072 -> Button[6]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.072 -> Button[6]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.072 -> Button[6]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.140 -> Button[7]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.140 -> Button[7]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.140 -> Button[7]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.140 -> Button[7]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.208 -> Button[8]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.208 -> Button[8]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.208 -> Button[8]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.208 -> Button[8]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.274 -> Button[9]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.274 -> Button[9]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.274 -> Button[9]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.307 -> Button[9]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.346 -> Button[10]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.346 -> Button[10]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.387 -> Button[10]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.387 -> Button[10]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.457 -> Button[11]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.457 -> Button[11]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.457 -> Button[11]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.457 -> Button[11]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.525 -> Button[12]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.525 -> Button[12]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.525 -> Button[12]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.525 -> Button[12]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.591 -> Button[13]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.591 -> Button[13]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.638 -> Button[13]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.638 -> Button[13]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.674 -> Button[14]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.674 -> Button[14]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.708 -> Button[14]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.708 -> Button[14]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.775 -> Button[15]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.775 -> Button[15]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.775 -> Button[15]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.775 -> Button[15]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.808 -> Button[16]::setMulticlickTime: 450
12:27:53.808 -> Button[16]::setHoldTime: 5000
12:27:53.808 -> Button[17]::setHoldTime: 400
12:27:53.808 -> Button[17]::setMulticlickTime: 250
12:27:53.841 -> Supla - starting initialization
12:27:53.873 -> Storage initialization
12:27:53.873 -> readStorage: 8; Read: [53 55 50 4C 41 1 0 1 ]
12:27:53.873 -> Storage: Number of sections 1
12:27:53.873 -> Reading section: 0
12:27:53.873 -> readStorage: 7; Read: [3 50 0 5E EC 5E EC ]
12:27:53.873 -> Section type: 3; size: 80
12:27:53.873 -> storedCRC 60510, CRC calc 60510
12:27:53.905 -> SuplaConfigManager: config file size 95
12:27:53.905 -> SuplaConfigManager: initializing storage from file...
12:27:53.905 -> SuplaConfigManager: init result 1
12:27:53.905 -> Channel[0] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.905 -> Button[0]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.905 -> Channel[2] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.905 -> Button[1]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.905 -> Channel[4] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.937 -> Button[2]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.937 -> Channel[6] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.937 -> Button[3]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.937 -> Channel[8] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.937 -> Button[4]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.937 -> Channel[10] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.937 -> Button[5]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.937 -> Channel[12] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.937 -> Button[6]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.969 -> Channel[14] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.969 -> Button[7]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.969 -> Channel[16] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.969 -> Button[8]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.969 -> Channel[18] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.969 -> Button[9]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.969 -> Channel[20] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:53.969 -> Button[10]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:53.969 -> Channel[22] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.002 -> Button[11]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.002 -> Channel[24] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.002 -> Button[12]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.002 -> Channel[26] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.002 -> Button[13]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.002 -> Channel[28] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.002 -> Button[14]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.002 -> Channel[30] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.002 -> Button[15]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.002 -> Channel[32] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.035 -> Binary[32] setServerInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.035 -> Binary[32] config serverInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.035 -> Channel[33] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.035 -> Binary[33] setServerInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.035 -> Binary[33] config serverInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.035 -> Channel[34] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.036 -> Binary[34] setServerInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.036 -> Binary[34] config serverInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.036 -> Channel[35] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.069 -> Binary[35] setServerInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.069 -> Binary[35] config serverInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.069 -> Channel[36] function missing. Using SW defaults
12:27:54.069 -> Binary[36] setServerInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.069 -> Binary[36] config serverInvertLogic 0
12:27:54.069 -> Button[16]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.069 -> Button[17]::onLoadConfig: skip
12:27:54.069 -> Validating storage state section with current device configuration
12:27:54.069 -> Storage state section validation successful
12:27:54.069 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.100 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.132 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 4; Read: [0 0 0 0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> readStorage: 1; Read: [0 ]
12:27:54.166 -> Relay[0] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.166 ->  **** Digital write[0], gpio: 0; value 0
12:27:54.166 -> Relay[0] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.166 ->  **** Digital write[0], gpio: 0; value 0
12:27:54.199 -> Button[0]: Initialized: pin 0, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.199 -> Relay[2] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.199 ->  **** Digital write[2], gpio: 1; value 0
12:27:54.199 -> Relay[2] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.199 ->  **** Digital write[2], gpio: 1; value 0
12:27:54.199 -> Button[1]: Initialized: pin 1, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.199 -> Relay[4] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.199 ->  **** Digital write[4], gpio: 2; value 0
12:27:54.199 -> Relay[4] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.232 ->  **** Digital write[4], gpio: 2; value 0
12:27:54.232 -> Button[2]: Initialized: pin 2, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.232 -> Relay[6] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.232 ->  **** Digital write[6], gpio: 3; value 0
12:27:54.232 -> Relay[6] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.232 ->  **** Digital write[6], gpio: 3; value 0
12:27:54.232 -> Button[3]: Initialized: pin 3, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
2:27:54.266 -> Relay[8] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.266 ->  **** Digital write[8], gpio: 4; value 0
12:27:54.266 -> Relay[8] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.266 ->  **** Digital write[8], gpio: 4; value 0
12:27:54.266 -> Button[4]: Initialized: pin 4, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.266 -> Relay[10] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.266 ->  **** Digital write[10], gpio: 5; value 0
12:27:54.266 -> Relay[10] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.266 ->  **** Digital write[10], gpio: 5; value 0
12:27:54.266 -> Button[5]: Initialized: pin 5, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.300 -> Relay[12] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.300 ->  **** Digital write[12], gpio: 6; value 0
12:27:54.300 -> Relay[12] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.300 ->  **** Digital write[12], gpio: 6; value 0
12:27:54.300 -> Button[6]: Initialized: pin 6, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.300 -> Relay[14] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.300 ->  **** Digital write[14], gpio: 7; value 0
12:27:54.300 -> Relay[14] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.300 ->  **** Digital write[14], gpio: 7; value 0
12:27:54.334 -> Button[7]: Initialized: pin 7, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.334 -> Relay[16] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.334 ->  **** Digital write[16], gpio: 8; value 0
12:27:54.334 -> Relay[16] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.334 ->  **** Digital write[16], gpio: 8; value 0
12:27:54.334 -> Button[8]: Initialized: pin 8, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.334 -> Relay[18] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.334 ->  **** Digital write[18], gpio: 9; value 0
12:27:54.368 -> Relay[18] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.368 ->  **** Digital write[18], gpio: 9; value 0
12:27:54.368 -> Button[9]: Initialized: pin 9, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.368 -> Relay[20] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.368 ->  **** Digital write[20], gpio: 10; value 0
12:27:54.368 -> Relay[20] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.368 ->  **** Digital write[20], gpio: 10; value 0
12:27:54.368 -> Button[10]: Initialized: pin 10, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.401 -> Relay[22] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.401 ->  **** Digital write[22], gpio: 11; value 0
12:27:54.401 -> Relay[22] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.401 ->  **** Digital write[22], gpio: 11; value 0
12:27:54.401 -> Button[11]: Initialized: pin 11, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.401 -> Relay[24] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.401 ->  **** Digital write[24], gpio: 12; value 0
12:27:54.401 -> Relay[24] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.401 ->  **** Digital write[24], gpio: 12; value 0
12:27:54.435 -> Button[12]: Initialized: pin 12, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.435 -> Relay[26] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.435 ->  **** Digital write[26], gpio: 13; value 0
12:27:54.435 -> Relay[26] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.435 ->  **** Digital write[26], gpio: 13; value 0
12:27:54.435 -> Button[13]: Initialized: pin 13, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.435 -> Relay[28] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.435 ->  **** Digital write[28], gpio: 14; value 0
12:27:54.435 -> Relay[28] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.470 ->  **** Digital write[28], gpio: 14; value 0
12:27:54.470 -> Button[14]: Initialized: pin 14, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.470 -> Relay[30] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.470 ->  **** Digital write[30], gpio: 15; value 0
12:27:54.470 -> Relay[30] turn OFF (duration 0 ms)
12:27:54.470 ->  **** Digital write[30], gpio: 15; value 0
12:27:54.470 -> Button[15]: Initialized: pin 15, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.470 -> Channel(32) value changed to 1
12:27:54.506 -> Channel(33) value changed to 1
12:27:54.506 -> Channel(34) value changed to 1
12:27:54.506 -> Channel(35) value changed to 1
12:27:54.506 -> Channel(36) value changed to 1
12:27:54.506 -> Button[16]: Initialized: pin 0, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.506 -> addClock: DEPRECATED
12:27:54.541 -> Button[17]: Initialized: pin 0, pullUp 1, invertLogic 1, state 1
12:27:54.541 -> GUID: 762A0FC26CE4FEC6D52B19815C8D782E
12:27:54.541 -> Device name: 40 channel
12:27:54.541 -> Device software version: GG v7.18.12
12:27:54.541 -> Initializing network layer
12:27:54.541 -> [Ethernet] Network AP/hostname: 40-CHANNEL
12:27:54.541 -> Using Supla protocol version 23
12:27:54.541 -> Current status: [5] SuplaDevice initialized
12:27:54.541 -> Enter normal mode
12:27:54.575 -> [Ethernet] establishing LAN connection
12:27:58.673 -> [Ethernet] Network AP/hostname: 40-CHANNEL-E89F6DDEF75F
12:28:09.547 -> Warning: network is not ready (10 s)
12:28:20.614 -> Warning: network is not ready (20 s)
12:28:20.726 -> LAST STATE ADDED: No connection to network (28)
12:28:20.765 -> Current status: [8] No connection to network
12:28:31.582 -> Warning: network is not ready (30 s)
12:28:42.507 -> Warning: network is not ready (40 s)
12:28:53.427 -> Warning: network is not ready (50 s)
12:29:04.340 -> Warning: network is not ready (60 s)
12:29:04.454 -> Network layer restart requested. Trying to setup network interface again
12:29:15.274 -> Warning: network is not ready (70 s)
12:29:26.171 -> Warning: network is not ready (80 s)
12:29:37.092 -> Warning: network is not ready (90 s)
12:29:48.013 -> Warning: network is not ready (100 s)
12:29:58.910 -> Warning: network is not ready (110 s)
12:30:09.862 -> Warning: network is not ready (120 s)
12:30:09.973 -> Network layer restart requested. Trying to setup network interface again
12:30:20.774 -> Warning: network is not ready (130 s)
12:30:31.666 -> Warning: network is not ready (140 s)
12:30:42.607 -> Warning: network is not ready (150 s)
12:30:53.532 -> Warning: network is not ready (160 s)
12:31:04.463 -> Warning: network is not ready (170 s)
12:31:15.388 -> Warning: network is not ready (180 s)
12:31:15.466 -> Network layer restart requested. Trying to setup network interface again
12:31:26.288 -> Warning: network is not ready (190 s)
12:31:37.197 -> Warning: network is not ready (200 s)
12:31:48.106 -> Warning: network is not ready (210 s)
12:31:59.053 -> Warning: network is not ready (220 s)
12:32:09.930 -> Warning: network is not ready (230 s)
12:32:20.864 -> Warning: network is not ready (240 s)
12:32:20.963 -> Network layer restart requested. Trying to setup network interface again
12:32:31.777 -> Warning: network is not ready (250 s)
12:32:42.673 -> Warning: network is not ready (260 s)
12:32:53.639 -> Warning: network is not ready (270 s)
12:33:04.520 -> Warning: network is not ready (280 s)
12:33:15.442 -> Warning: network is not ready (290 s)
12:33:26.347 -> Warning: network is not ready (300 s)
12:33:26.464 -> Network layer restart requested. Trying to setup network interface again
12:33:37.287 -> Warning: network is not ready (310 s)
12:33:48.187 -> Warning: network is not ready (320 s)
12:33:59.125 -> Warning: network is not ready (330 s)
12:34:10.040 -> Warning: network is not ready (340 s)
12:34:20.956 -> Warning: network is not ready (350 s)
12:34:31.853 -> Warning: network is not ready (360 s)
dalej się już powtarza taki log. Chciałem wykasować nazwę sieci i hasło aby nie było nic z wi-fi związane, ale formularz nie pozwala na pozostawienie pustych pól.
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nie widzę nic podejrzanego, na jakiej wersji było dobrze?
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krycha88 wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:51 pm nie widzę nic podejrzanego, na jakiej wersji było dobrze?
Niestety tak jak wspomniałem wyżej, nie zwróciłem uwagi na wersję :(, a ten sterownik to taki testowy i dlatego nie robiłem backupu softu. Wiem jedynie że na wersji jaka była w marcu 2024, LAN8720 działał bardzo dobrze.
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Ja nie wiem dlaczego to nie działa z tego co się orientuję to było sporo zmian w tym kierunku w bibliotece, więc może trzeba coś dopisać.
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krycha88 wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:40 pm Ja nie wiem dlaczego to nie działa z tego co się orientuję to było sporo zmian w tym kierunku w bibliotece, więc może trzeba coś dopisać.
Na bazie której klasy to jest zrobione? Jaka wersja boardów?
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klew wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:50 pm Na bazie której klasy to jest zrobione? Jaka wersja boardów? ... iEth01.cpp

Board ESP8266: v3.1.2; Board ESP32: v2.0.9
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Na wszelki wypadek wkleję jeszcze schemat połączenia, ponieważ nie ma możliwości zmiany pinów w GG:
schemat LAN8720.JPG
Może pomimo wybraniu opcji podczas generowania softu z LAN8720, to dodać jakąś pozycje w GUI np. zakładka konfiguracji i tam LAN8720: ON/OFF, lub bardziej wprost: "metoda połączenia: WI-FI/LAN8720".
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LukaszH wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:58 am Na wszelki wypadek wkleję jeszcze schemat połączenia, ponieważ nie ma możliwości zmiany pinów w GG:
schemat LAN8720.JPG

Może pomimo wybraniu opcji podczas generowania softu z LAN8720, to dodać jakąś pozycje w GUI np. zakładka konfiguracji i tam LAN8720: ON/OFF, lub bardziej wprost: "metoda połączenia: WI-FI/LAN8720".
Czy używasz adresu 1?
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Jakby co to mam działający soft w wersji 7.11.2 ze stycznia,
z opcjami : P-ki,Przyciski,Wyzw.Akcji,Rolety,Krańcówki,MCP23017,Ds1820,PomiarAnalogowy,Lan8720,Oled
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Też tutaj za bardzo nic nie widzę. W logach widać inicjalizację i potem nic więcej od Ethernet nie przychodzi.
Co do pinologii, to nie mam pojęcia jaka jest poprawna.

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