Supla<->MQTT - Instalacja
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- Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:26 am
- Location: Paczków
To nie jest błąd integracji SUPLA<-> MQTT tylko błąd integracji, której autora nie znamy i nie jest ona przez nas wspierana.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:49 am
mam problem z MQTT na supli, HA jest prawdopodobnie w porządku.
MQTT exprore łączy się z moim HA, natomiast jak próbuje połączyć MQTT exlorer do supli dostaję informacje disconected from server. ( W supli włączyłem MQTT broker i te dane wpisałem do MQTT explorera. Co mogę robić źle?
Nie jestem pewien jaki host powinienem wpisać do MQTT explorer, wpisuję ten który widnieje na stronie supli w zakładce MQTT.
mam problem z MQTT na supli, HA jest prawdopodobnie w porządku.
MQTT exprore łączy się z moim HA, natomiast jak próbuje połączyć MQTT exlorer do supli dostaję informacje disconected from server. ( W supli włączyłem MQTT broker i te dane wpisałem do MQTT explorera. Co mogę robić źle?
Nie jestem pewien jaki host powinienem wpisać do MQTT explorer, wpisuję ten który widnieje na stronie supli w zakładce MQTT.
- Posts: 19432
- Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:26 am
- Location: Paczków
Włączyłeś szyfrowanie TLS ?
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:36 am
Witam, męczę się z konfiguracją 
RPI z Suplą i odpalonym mosquitto
na 2gim RPI HA
Przy próbie dodania proxy - błąd
Pomocy co jest nie tak z hostname??!!!

RPI z Suplą i odpalonym mosquitto
na 2gim RPI HA
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl status mosquitto
● mosquitto.service - Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mosquitto.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-04-21 13:01:29 BST; 17min ago
Docs: man:mosquitto.conf(5)
Main PID: 7711 (mosquitto)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 2059)
CGroup: /system.slice/mosquitto.service
└─7711 /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
Apr 21 13:01:29 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker...
Apr 21 13:01:29 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker.
Code: Select all
host: '' # MQTT server hostname
port: 1883 # MQTT server port
commands_file_path: '/home/pi/supla-mqtt-client/config/command.yaml' # absolute path to the comma$
states_file_path: '/home/pi/supla-mqtt-client/config/state.yaml' # absolute path to the state.yam$
username: 'mqtt_user' # MQTT username if the server is secured in this way. if You don't use it d$
password: 'xxxxxx' # MQTT password if the server is secured in this way. uf You don't use i$
client_name: 'mqtt_user' #MQTT broker client name should be unique
protocol_version: 3 #MQTT protocol version. supported 3 for 3.1.1 (default) version and 5
publish_supla_events: true #if enabled client will publish supla client events
port: 2016 # SUPLA server port
host: 'localhost' # SUPLA server hostname
email: 'xxxxxxx' # SUPLA user email
protocol_version: 10 # supla protocol version should be grater than 5
Code: Select all
./supla-mqtt-client -config /home/pi/supla-mqtt-client/config/config_template.yaml
INFO[1682079081.630274] initializing main loop
INFO[1682079081.631468] Client GUID: 88389DC51AE7E29B7EDA15688515E6F8
Invalid quote. Line 2: '' # MQTT server hostname
INFO[1682079081.633047] SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1n 15 Mar 2022
INFO[1682079081.641208] Connecting...
ERR[1682079081.691631] Bad credentials!
Pogodynka >>
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:49 am
Dziękuje PZYGMUNT, to było to.
Ale dalej chciałbym zintegrować suple z HA, Jak wpisuję dane ze strony supli do HA wyskakuje mi, że nie można połączyć a wydaje mi się że wszystko mam jak należy:
Ale dalej chciałbym zintegrować suple z HA, Jak wpisuję dane ze strony supli do HA wyskakuje mi, że nie można połączyć a wydaje mi się że wszystko mam jak należy:
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- Posts: 19432
- Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:26 am
- Location: Paczków
Nie ten prort i brak TLS
- Posts: 97
- Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:11 pm
teoretycznie wszystko poprawnie, w mqtt expolerze widac topici alemqtt clien sie składa z błędem:
Cos z samym supla-mqtt-client ?
To sie dzieje po dodaniu id dla smartfona, wczesniej leci
w debug widac ze leci jakas 400
Gdzie tego szukac?
/* Send connection request to the broker. */
zahardkowdowany limit?
Code: Select all
r@debian:~/supla/supla-core/supla-mqtt-client/Release$ ./supla-mqtt-client -config ../config/config_template.yaml
INFO[1700674882.743199] initializing main loop
INFO[1700674882.743906] Client GUID: FCFBLABLABLAABLABLA89C24
INFO[1700674882.747635] SSL version: OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023
INFO[1700674882.760526] Connecting...
Segmentation fault
To sie dzieje po dodaniu id dla smartfona, wczesniej leci
Code: Select all
@debian:~/supla/supla-core/supla-mqtt-client/Release$ sudo ./supla-mqtt-client -config ../config/config_template.yaml
INFO[1700688733.234717] initializing main loop
INFO[1700688733.235355] Client GUID: CD20CDSGAGDJHSA573FB30
INFO[1700688733.238841] SSL version: OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023
INFO[1700688733.251698] Connecting...
NOTICE[1700688733.369893] Access Identifier not assigned!
w debug widac ze leci jakas 400
Code: Select all
DEBUG[1700694946.793913] ChannelGroup #8 ROLETY RANO LocationID=1, Function=110 EOL=0
DEBUG[1700694946.793933] ChannelGroup #9 ROLETY POŁUDNIE LocationID=1, Function=110 EOL=0
DEBUG[1700694946.793946] ChannelGroup #10 ROLETY NORTH LocationID=1, Function=110 EOL=1
DEBUG[1700694946.794751] on_remote_call_received: 390
DEBUG[1700694946.794776] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 49, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794790] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 10 ChannelId: 49, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794809] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 50, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794823] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 10 ChannelId: 50, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794836] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 50, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794847] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 51, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794860] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 51, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794874] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 9 ChannelId: 51, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794890] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 54, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794904] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 54, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794946] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 9 ChannelId: 54, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794957] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 55, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794969] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 55, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794979] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 9 ChannelId: 55, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794989] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 60, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.794999] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 60, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795011] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 69, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795028] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 4 ChannelId: 69, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795041] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 73, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795053] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 4 ChannelId: 73, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795068] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 4 ChannelId: 77, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795081] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 77, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795093] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 4 ChannelId: 81, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795106] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 5 ChannelId: 81, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795118] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 4 ChannelId: 179, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795130] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 8 ChannelId: 179, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795142] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 6 ChannelId: 181, EOL: 0
DEBUG[1700694946.795155] ChannelGroupRelation GroupId: 6 ChannelId: 182, EOL: 1
DEBUG[1700694946.796030] on_remote_call_received: 400
Segmentation fault
/* Send connection request to the broker. */
Code: Select all
mqtt_connect(client, client_name, NULL, NULL, 0, username, password, 0, 400);
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:24 pm
Dzień dobry
mam problem z kompilacją supla-mqtt-client na aarch64 System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.165-ophub. Otrzymuję następujące
komunikaty i brak kompilacji pliku supla-mqtt-client. Proszę o pomoc jak to uryźć
mam problem z kompilacją supla-mqtt-client na aarch64 System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.165-ophub. Otrzymuję następujące
komunikaty i brak kompilacji pliku supla-mqtt-client. Proszę o pomoc jak to uryźć
Code: Select all
root@armbian:~/supla-core/supla-mqtt-client/Release# make all
Building file: ../src/yaml/yaml.cpp
Invoking: Cross G++ Compiler
g++ -D__NO_DATABASE -D__NO_USER -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -std=c++11 -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/yaml/yaml.d" -MT"src/yaml/yaml.o" -o "src/yaml/yaml.o" "../src/yaml/yaml.cpp"
../src/yaml/yaml.cpp: In member function ‘void Yaml::ParseImp::Parse(Yaml::Node&, std::iostream&)’:
../src/yaml/yaml.cpp:1024:24: warning: catching polymorphic type ‘class Yaml::Exception’ by value [-Wcatch-value=]
1024 | } catch (Exception e) {
| ^
../src/yaml/yaml.cpp: In function ‘void Yaml::Parse(Yaml::Node&, std::iostream&)’:
../src/yaml/yaml.cpp:1763:28: warning: catching polymorphic type ‘const class Yaml::Exception’ by value [-Wcatch-value=]
1763 | } catch (const Exception e) {
| ^
Finished building: ../src/yaml/yaml.cpp
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/cfg.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/cfg.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/cfg.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/cfg.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/cfg.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/cfg.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.cpp
Invoking: Cross G++ Compiler
g++ -D__NO_DATABASE -D__NO_USER -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.cpp"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/devicechannel.cpp
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/eh.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/eh.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/eh.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/eh.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/eh.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/eh.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/ini.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/ini.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/ini.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c"
In file included from /usr/include/string.h:535,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:15:
In function ‘strncpy’,
inlined from ‘strncpy0’ at ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:51:5,
inlined from ‘strncpy0’ at ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:49:14,
inlined from ‘ini_parse_file’ at ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:117:9:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:95:10: warning: ‘__builtin_strncpy’ output may be truncated copying 49 bytes from a string of length 199 [-Wstringop-truncation]
95 | return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len,
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
96 | __glibc_objsize (__dest));
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In function ‘rstrip’,
inlined from ‘ini_parse_file’ at ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:79:19:
../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:25:17: warning: ‘strnlen’ specified bound 10240 exceeds source size 200 [-Wstringop-overread]
25 | char* p = s + strnlen(s, 10240);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c: In function ‘ini_parse_file’:
../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c:65:8: note: source object declared here
65 | char line[MAX_LINE];
| ^~~~
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/ini.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/lck.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/lck.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/lck.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/lck.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/lck.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/lck.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/log.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/log.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/log.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/log.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/log.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/log.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/proto.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/proto.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/proto.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/proto.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/proto.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/proto.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/safearray.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/safearray.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/safearray.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/safearray.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/safearray.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/safearray.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/srpc.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/srpc.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/srpc.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/srpc.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/srpc.c"
Finished building: ../src/supla-client-lib/srpc.c
Building file: ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c
Invoking: Cross GCC Compiler
gcc -D__NO_USER -D__NO_DATABASE -I/usr/src/openssl/include -O3 -Wall -fsigned-char -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/supla-client-lib/sthread.d" -MT"src/supla-client-lib/sthread.o" -o "src/supla-client-lib/sthread.o" "../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c"
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:26:33: error: conflicting types for ‘timer_t’; have ‘__kernel_timer_t’ {aka ‘int’}
26 | typedef __kernel_timer_t timer_t;
| ^~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/time.h:47,
from /usr/include/pthread.h:23,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:20:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/types/timer_t.h:7:19: note: previous declaration of ‘timer_t’ with type ‘timer_t’ {aka ‘void *’}
7 | typedef __timer_t timer_t;
| ^~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h:32,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:33,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h:70:5: error: conflicting types for ‘fd_set’; have ‘struct <anonymous>’
70 | } fd_set;
| ^~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:15:33: note: previous declaration of ‘fd_set’ with type ‘fd_set’
15 | typedef __kernel_fd_set fd_set;
| ^~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:34,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h:42:18: error: conflicting types for ‘loff_t’; have ‘__loff_t’ {aka ‘long int’}
42 | typedef __loff_t loff_t;
| ^~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:46:33: note: previous declaration of ‘loff_t’ with type ‘loff_t’ {aka ‘long long int’}
46 | typedef __kernel_loff_t loff_t;
| ^~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:34,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h:59:17: error: conflicting types for ‘dev_t’; have ‘__dev_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’}
59 | typedef __dev_t dev_t;
| ^~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:16:33: note: previous declaration of ‘dev_t’ with type ‘dev_t’ {aka ‘unsigned int’}
16 | typedef __kernel_dev_t dev_t;
| ^~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h:155,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:34,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-intn.h:27:19: error: conflicting types for ‘int64_t’; have ‘__int64_t’ {aka
long int’}
27 | typedef __int64_t int64_t;
| ^~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:109:33: note: previous declaration of ‘int64_t’ with type ‘int64_t’ {aka ‘long long int’}
109 | typedef s64 int64_t;
| ^~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:34,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h:161:20: error: conflicting types for ‘u_int64_t’; have ‘__uint64_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’}
161 | typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t;
| ^~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:108:33: note: previous declaration of ‘u_int64_t’ with type ‘u_int64_t’ {aka ‘long long unsigned int’}
108 | typedef u64 u_int64_t;
| ^~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/procfs.h:34,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h:36,
from /usr/include/signal.h:316,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h:192:20: error: conflicting types for ‘blkcnt_t’; have ‘__blkcnt_t’ {aka ‘long int’}
192 | typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
| ^~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/asm/sigcontext.h:22,
from /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h:30,
from /usr/include/signal.h:301,
from ../src/supla-client-lib/sthread.c:21:
/usr/include/linux/types.h:126:13: note: previous declaration of ‘blkcnt_t’ with type ‘blkcnt_t’ {aka ‘long long unsigned int’}
126 | typedef u64 blkcnt_t;
| ^~~~~~~~
make: *** [src/supla-client-lib/ src/supla-client-lib/sthread.o] Error 1
- Posts: 19432
- Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:26 am
- Location: Paczków
Do czego chcesz tego używać ?
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:24 pm
Mały serwer na androidboxie z systemem armbian -ubuntu. z hotspotem wifi, serwerem supla oraz homasistentem. System działał, ale po ostatniej aktualizacji się posypał. Niestety kompilacji w postaci pliku supla-mqtt-client już nie posiadam (nieopatrznie komenda make clean)