Urządzenie ESP32 ATOM M5 (jeśli ma to znaczenie)
Biblioteka supla 23.12 (na starszych też nie działało)
Code: Select all
Establishing encrypted connection with: svr63.supla.org (port: 2016)
[ 40842][E][ssl_client.cpp:37] _handle_error(): [start_ssl_client():187]: (-8576) X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, e.g. different type expected
[ 40845][E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:144] connect(): start_ssl_client: -8576
SSL error: -8576, X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, e.g. different type expected
Connection fail (0). Server: svr63.supla.org